Boris Zelkin Зелкин Борис Михайлович Page1 (To page2)
  Autobiography     1946…present

Family      The picture which saved in the family, presumably from 1900.
The keeper of the family stories,the former front-line pilot - Arshavsky Jacob.

  From written:  
  My prayer   2005  
  Я - состоявшаяся личность   2009  
  Unfinished articles:  
  Who we are?  
  Jewish brains in service of humanity.  
  The enemies of Israel, mathematical assumption.  
  Crisis of rabbanism.  
  Умственная педерастия как политический термин.  
My opportunities, proposed for the GERD:
- Will create a personal investment portfolio. The level of investment is medium, defined by Village for US citizen. Transfer 80% under control of GERD.
- Offer to small group of villagers - specialists in Computer Design, popular lectures (one.. two, not a course) on the theme: "Random Computing Machines", aware of materials research on the subject, the results achieved, practical applications.
- Create a company in the field of "Entertainment", organization and production of special equipment, patent. Time to prepare the project - at least one year.
Stages of life, which determine the understanding of the necessity GERD.
Professional activities:
- The is former Soviet Union. Work began at age 16. Profession was obtained prior to recruitment - mechanician of refrigerators.
- Education - Institute of Radioelectronics, profession - Computer Design. Graduated with honors.
Topic: The Associative Parallel Processor.
- The first specialization: Computer equipment, based on random processes, Random Computing Machines.
- Second specialization in: Instruments for measuring time and frequency.
- Israel. Third specialization: Satellite Data Comunication.
The research enthusiasm:
- The former Soviet Union. About ten patents, five of whom are co-authors. Several articles. Unfinished dissertation. Subject of all works - Random Computing Machines.
- Israel. At home, after work, I continued research on Random Computing Machines. Bought the equipment, set up a laboratory. Practical results confirm the correctness of the theory, received a patent USA.
- USA. Attempting to create a company. From the sale of the patent refused: low interest rates of author, almost extortionate royalties. In the USA began and quickly grew the financial crisis. Financing options for new projects decreased to zero. In California saw the time (2008 .. 2009 years), when advanced technological companies in the electronics industry were reduced its volume, lay off employees, outsourcing to Mexico or Canada.
Who and what influenced the awareness of the need for change for the Russian Jews:
- former Soviet Union, city Kharkov - Shturman Dora Moiseevna and her family, the Zionist influence;
- several meetings and communication with Yuri Stern, at that time was unconscious influence for future;
- dating and communication with amazing person - the Liora Ziv-Ami. Articles of Liora, her point of view on many of the processes in my country - Israel, brought me out of the state of mental discomfort. This fellowship has raised me in knowledge about the spirit of Israel, and the distortion of its essence, has confirmed me in the awareness and understanding of my place in the life of my country.
- moving to USA, initially planned as a temporary, was delayed for several years. In parallel, take place Internet's and personal acquaintance with the outside world and with Russian-speaking American community. On close acquaintance, climbed out a huge internal crisis of American spirituality and ideology. The desire to understand the reality has led to familiarity with the many publications of Russian-American authors. The final point in my understanding of the issues made Yuri Okunev by his book "Incurable leftist diseases in modern liberalism."
Awareness of current transformations of Western democracy to the distorted socialism, double impact from both the Israel's reality, and from the side of American liberalism has led to actions that result in the creation of the project - the Global Village of Russian Jews.
Note: as the first owner of the personal page, I tried to be maximally open to provide myself fully, but in the short form.